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Gardenia Plants

Q.I Transplanted My Gardenia 3 Weeks Ago, and Although Not Dead Is in Shock.

paniba added on November 11, 2012 | Answered

There a quite a few dead leaves but still green ones as well. Do I pull off the remaining dead leaves, prune it back or leave well alone? I have been feeding it seasonally twice a week and watering it daily.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 12, 2012

Most plants can go into a type of shock when transplanted. You do not state whether you have transplanted from a pot into either a larger pot or into the ground, or if you dug it up and moved it. If you have changed the type soil and/or location very much, the plant could be in shock. Not being familiar with seasoil, I suggest using it according to package directions. Daily watering is generally not reccommended for very many plants. I like to water plants thouroughly (until they "pee") then let them dry slightly before another thorough watering. Too much water can cause root problems such as disease and insects and sour the soil. If the plant is in the ground, daily watering that doesn't soak down very deep encourages shallow root growth. I would remove the dead leaves and see what happens.

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