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Holly Bushes

Q.Transplanted Holly Bush

Anonymous added on May 26, 2015 | Answered

I transplanted a holly tree, it was about 4-1/2 ft. high and pretty wide. I dug 3′ all the way around and took some soil with it. I dug the other hole first so as not to expose it for more than 20 mins. I did this in the summer, which I shouldn’t have. I moved it about 20′ away from the original spot, near another one about 5′ away and that one for some reason took off fantastically, even grew beautiful berries and is very shiny and green. The other one is below it, very low compared to the good one. I did water the hole when I did this with a lot of water. It didn’t start turning yellow until about 1 yr. later….kind of bizarre. I usually have a great turn out whenever I transplant bushes or trees.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 29, 2015

It does sound as if your holly is suffering from an iron deficiency.
Make sure the soil is well draining and your plant is receiving adequate water.
Here is a link.


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