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Lobelia Plants

Q.I Took Seeds From Last Year’s Lobelia And Was Successful In Bringing On Hundreds Of New Plants This Spring, However The Majority

Zone Eastleigh, Hampshire | Anonymous added on August 1, 2022 | Answered

off them have produced giant leaves, some up to 6″ long, and no flowers. Why?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 11, 2022

Most likely your lobelia was a cultivar, meaning it could be a hybrid of two or more varieties, or it is a sport that is produced asexually. This means it won't come true from seed, or it won't look exactly like the original plant.

Another possibility is your lobelia was a biennial species. These send up foliage the first season and bloom the second season.

If the lobelia variety was perennial, you may not see blooms till the third year after sowing.

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