Q.I Took a 10-15 Yr Azalea From One Location to Another
My aunt gave me what we believe is an azalea. . . by looking it up it does look like the ones that are online except a lot bigger. We’re guessing it between 10-15 years old. It has light pink flowers all over it when it is in bloom. When I got it, they were all dead so I removed them. There looks to be more buds all over it now. I was wondering if it will bloom again this year or not. I live in southeastern Ohio.
Now my other question is. . . we planted it in a spot where it gets sun from sun up till about 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Then it is shaded by the ash tree that is about 20 feet behind it. The soil we have is like a clay mixture, not real thick clay but the dirt is a light brown. It is planted on the side of a hill. Is this ok for this plant or do we need to move it somewhere else? Anything you can tell me about it would be awesome! Thank you in advance. We appreciate it very much. 🙂
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It likely will not bloom again this year. With this plant being so old, I would keep a sharp eye out for transplant shock. The older a plant is, the more likely it is to happen to it. Here is more information:
It may be a rhododendron, which are alot like azaleas but larger. They like the same conditions. The location you have it in sounds fine for it.
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