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Croton Plants

Q.Gold Bell Croton Plant

Zone NYC 10028 | deebeee added on April 18, 2016 | Answered

Does anyone know how to make a Golden Bell Croton plant happy indoors? I can give it direct sunlight in the AM and shaded light in the afternoon. I know I should make sure not to over water.

NOT sure I have right soil as it was a gift many years ago. Anyone know what soil this plant would like? Lighter with perlite or sand? What proportion? Or potting soil? Would that be OK? Yes, there is a drainage hole at the bottom of the pot.

It’s so straggly now I feel awful. Want to help and I’ve been told it has to be pruned. BUT first I think it needs lighter soil and a new pot.

ANY HELP appreciated.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 18, 2016

OH GEEZ, why don't the pix I selected come through? This is crazy.

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