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Q.I Sprayed My Roses With A Baking Soda 7 Dish Soap Spray & Its Covered In Black Spots & Was Not Before I Sprayed. What To Do?

Zone spring texas 77379 | Anonymous added on May 6, 2021 | Answered

I had black spots on a rose bush. I got all the foliage off 7 cut the canes that were infected as well. I even picked up all fallen or dead ffoliage up from around plant. I sprayed with a baking soda & dish soap home remedy this morning. I just got back home & there was black spots all over every foliage there was left on the plant. what do I do now?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 7, 2021

Black Spot can be a very tough customer. Once it hits and hits hard, the home remedies can fall short of what is needed. I recommend going to Amazon.com and buy some Mancozeb fungicide, it will stop black spot in its tracks. You could also buy a product called Milstop for a more Earth Friendly option. Both are a bit costly but do go a long way. If you have other rose growers in your area, perhaps they would be willing to split the cost with you.

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