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Q.I See Milk Is A Good Fertlizer – Can Coconut Milk Be Used As Well?

Zone Flat Rock, NC 28731 | ljmalter added on August 22, 2020 | Answered

Can coconut milk be used as fertilizer and can this be done end of Aug/Sept – Thanks for the info

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 24, 2020

They have very different nutrient chemical make ups.

The only thing, significant, that coconut water has in it is potassium. You can give this to your plants to help the blooming process, but vegetatively this will be useless to your plants.

Too much potassium in the soil will prevent nitrogen uptake. Make sure that you have a need for the amount of potassium in your soil before using. Testing your soil for deficiencies will be wise before feeding with coconut water or coconut milk. You may do more harm than good with the potassium overload.

One, last, thing to note.

Milk, on its own, is not a good fertilizer. It is a good supplemental feed, and can help out with some common deficiencies. Using any, one, thing too often will throw off the balance of the soil. Be sure to use fertilizers that are blended for plants to achieve the best growth, possible. Resorting to human food should be done when you have nothing else, and should be well composted into soil to avoid introducing pathogens to the soil.

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