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Pygmy Tree

Q.I Recently Bought A 4 Trunk Pygmy Palm. It Has Been Planted About A Week Looking Great. Suddenly I Looked At It And The Whole Plan

Zone 85255 | Anonymous added on March 7, 2022 | Answered

t is wilted. It has been watered sufficiently but what was so surprising was the suddeness of this wilting. We did not add ammendments while planting. We live in Phoenix, Az upon reading , we are concerned about bud wilt fungus. The whole plant is in the same condition?i did upload a before and after photo. Leaves are greyish green not the vibrant green as before. We bought it at Lowes. Thank you! Barbara

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 8, 2022

I see a lot of cement and gravel. Was the planting hole gravelly? It may be lacking in nutrients. It does need well-draining soil but more of a sandy soil. Since you've only had it a short time, I'm more inclined to think it is transplant shock more than disease. It would be beneficial to get a soil test to find out if the soil is lacking. Read the care notes below and start a feeding program as well as regular watering but not overwatering. (If you do lose it, Lowe's has a one-year guarantee on plants with receipt.) Also, is there enough room for its future height?




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