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Iris Plants

Q.I read your information about dividing and transplanting Iris

Zone 6 I think | NewGardenerBill added on June 28, 2012 | Answered

I have plenty that have stopped blooming and are forcing each other up out of the ground. So I will be dividing many and have received quite a few from a friend to plant in a new extended garden and have faith in what I learned from your advice. My further question is about bone meal. I added bone meal to Tulips and Daffodils and other spring flowers (bulbs) that I planted last spring and wondered if I should, or if it would be helpful to the Iris, to add some to the soil when I plant these plants in the new garden? Thank you!! Bill

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 29, 2012

Yes, you can. It will not hurt to go ahead and add some bone meal to the soil while planting (or replanting) and this will help encourage flowering.

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