Q.I Planted Wiegelas This Spring. They Are Quadruped In Size And Are Just Now Flowering And Looking Leggy. Do I Wait Until After Nex
t years spring bloom to prune? I planted young wiegelas from 2 gallon pots, and they have begun to flower. My intention is to control the size somewhat, but all instructions say to wait until late spring after the first bloom. Since they are flowering now, should I just wait until next spring’s bloom is over and then prune? Also, are they supposed to flower this late in the season? I live in Zone 5B, Northern Illinois area. Thanks for your help.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Weigelas typically bloom in spring. Since yours was just planted in spring it got a late start. You are lucky it bloomed at all this year! It wouldn't hurt to lightly prune the ends after blooming, but it is getting late in the season and you want to be sure it has time to harden off before cold weather, at least six to eight weeks.
Weigelas bloom on "old wood" or the previous season's growth and that is why you prune after blooming and not before. You don't want to cut off next year's blooms.
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