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Q.I planted Vincas by my front door this spring and they are all dying. I think it is because there are sprinklers nearby and too

Zone 72401 | Anonymous added on June 18, 2020 | Answered

much water is killing them. They also get quite a bit of sun. Is there something you could recommend for this spot that could tole rate the extra water? I live in zone 7. Thank you. I am tired of replacing flowers that die. I had pansies in the same spot that were planted last fall and they were beautiful, but water sprinklers weren’t turned on at that time. They need to be fairly short plants so we can sit on our open porch and see over them.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 19, 2020

Pansies are cool weather plants and would have died out anyway with the hot sun. Vinca probably didn't like the excess water as you say.

Here are a list of plants that do well with extra moisture. From the list I would recommend daylilies. They are perennial so will come back each year and you can get reblooming daylilies that will flower off and on all summer.


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