Q.I Planted Tomatoes in Large Pots Outside About a Week Ago
I Planted tomato plants in pots outside about one week ago. I live in northern Utah. I put a “water wall “around them to keep them insulated from wind and snow. It is now in the 80 degree range so I removed the homemade greenhouse. The plants looked wonderful. The soil was a bit dry. As soon as I watered them, one plant immediately started drooping, and the leaves are curling, but the other three look fine.
I have small holes in the bottom of the pots with gravel then soil. I fear I watered it too much. What would you say. . . and can I fix it? The plants are about 10″ high, the water runs out the bottom of the pots to a degree. I left the water wall around only the pot and not the plants. The pots are plastic. . . .

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They may be wilting due to too much water, but because you saw the wilting right after you watered, I suspect the plant has wilt, which is an incurable disease. Because of the way wilt works, it normally make a plant wilt more after watering. It may be best to discard the plant, wash the container with bleach and plant a new one.
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