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Grape Hyacinth

Q.No growth on Grape Hyacinth

Zone Zone 7 | Lrr54 added on March 9, 2015 | Answered

I planted some Muscari – Grape Hyacinth – in the late fall. I haven’t seen any growth. Did I plant them too late? I live in Northern Virginia and our ground doesn’t freeze until late in the year here. I planted Muscari late in the fall and I fear they didn’t have time to grow at all because I don’t see any green. The winter started kind of mild with some very cold days, but December and January weren’t bad. February was cold for this area and we did receive frequent snow showers and some ice storms, but it wasn’t bad. Did I lose the plants since I don’t see any green?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 9, 2015

I would not lose hope yet. Spring is just starting to get into gear, so I think with a little extra time you will start seeing the tender shoots of the grape hyacinth pop through the ground.

For more information on the care of grape hyacinths, please visit the link below:

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