Q.I planted a Hameln dwarf fountain grass last spring, this spring it’s still brown. I live in zone 5, just wondering if my grasses
have died or if I need to wait for the weather to get warmer. Suggestions? I planted 3 Hameln grasses about ft apart from each other. It’s in well drained soil, gets enough water, but never saturated. These plants get full sun. I also have the same grasses in front of the house that’s xeriscaped, and they’re also brown.
While, I was taking the photos I noticed there was some green at the roots, and the stems are pliable not stiff and breakable just “brown”.
Fountain grasses are warm season grasses and will not green up at the same time your lawn does. Cut your grass down if you haven't already done so. It will be coming up when weather warms.