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Gardenia Plants

Q.new leaf growth on my Gardenia with gritty whitish residue

Zone I live in Medford, NJ | fa4hire added on February 21, 2014 | Answered

I discovered several new leaves sprouting on my Gardenia, but I also noticed that it appears to have some sort of coating. I touched it and it felt gritty. Before the new growth appeared, I was having other issues with it. For instance, I found several leaves with pinhead size brown dots on the underside, which I washed off. I’ve been spraying it to control what I thought was spider mites. But now I have this issue. Is there anything I can do to control these issues? The plant was outside in the summer, but I think I’ll just leave it indoors.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 24, 2014

could be mildue I would spray with confidor or put a couple of tablets in the soil.

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