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Larch Trees

Q.I Need Help Identifying My Tree

Zone Easley, SC | Anonymous added on June 1, 2021 | Answered

The house that I moved into almost 5 years ago had some very nicely landscaped areas, and I can tell they didn’t really mind experiment and buying nice plants. There was not as much attention paid to mature sizes as there needed to be, so now I am faced with taking a few nice plants out. One that is growing into the soffets of the house is a tree like none that I recognize. It is about 20 feet tall, mostly slim in stature, and has a weeping form to the branches. The leaves are less than fingernail size and variegated. And I think it sets berries in the fall. Do you have any idea what I am about to take out? These picture are about 6 years ago, so it is well over the roof now.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 10, 2021

I did some searching and it may be Weeping Japanese Larch (Larix kaempferi 'Pendula'). The photo was small and blurred when enlarged, so I couldn't get a good closeup of the foliage. Hope this helps.

If it still has shoots going straight instead of weeping, those need to be removed or the whole tree could revert.

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