Q.I Love the Dynamite Red Crepe Myrtle, Any Negatives?
I have 2 Acoma white crepe myrtles and I constantly fight black powdery mold. I think I read someplace to use Bayer Rose Systemic when the leaves start budding, is this right? The black mold is why I am thinking of going to dynamite red crepe myrtles. Help.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like sooty mold is your problem, which is oftentimes brought about by pests like aphids. You may want to treat the trees with neem oil. It is both safe and effective in eradicating the fungus and pests that cause it. Even if you go with another type of crepe myrtle, unless you get to the core of the problem (the pests), you may still have the same issues.
These articles will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/disease/how-to-get-rid-of-sooty-mold.htm