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Crepe Myrtle Trees

Q.Should I Wrap Crepe Myrtle for the Winter?

Zone 6A | biker added on November 4, 2011 | Answered

I live in Zone 6a and have a crepe myrtle. Should I wrap it for the winter? It is only 2 years old. I didn’t wrap last year but did not get many blooms. Also, should I prune it at the end of the winter/early spring? We had the early snow storm as well and some branches broke too.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 6, 2011

You should be ok not wrapping it. Trees that are newly plants can have a little difficulty their first year and do benefit from wrapping, but once they are more than a year old they are established enough not to need to be protected from the cold.

Yes, if you want to prune, late winter or very early spring is the best time to do that.

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