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Gardenia Plants

Q.I live in zone 5 and 6 and have a gardenia plant that is having trouble completeing its blooming.

Zone 80027 | annaherrera62@gmail.com added on June 23, 2019 | Answered

The blooms have yet to complete the process. I have the plant inside and it gets a nice amount of indirect sun. Is that a good place and can you help me with tips for fertilizing the plant.

Thank you!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 23, 2019

This is going to be a complex issue, but I have seen this often enough to know what the key problems are likely to be.

Being indoors, I'd have to assume that the temperatures are just about ideal year round. This is not likely the cause.

That leaves just a few culprits that are likely to be causing your issue...

The most common thing will be a pH issue, but this is offset by using the correct feed for these plants. Acid loving plants need acid loving plant fertilizers, which also corrects another common issue: Underfeeding. They are heavy feeders.

The last concern will be that they are not getting quite enough light. This is very tricky indoors. Most modern windows will filter out much of the UV light, so if your windows are more modern then you may consider putting it into more light during the day.

If this is not possible, then a horticultural light fixture will help. There are many to choose from and they each have their perks and drawbacks.

This article will help you to get these wonderful plants to bloom: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/gardenia/gardenia-care-to-get-a-gardenia-bush-to-bloom.htm

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