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Banana Plant

Q.banana palm in winter

Zone So. Indiana near Louisville Ky. | Anonymous added on September 14, 2016 | Answered

I live in Southern Indiana, and I received a banana palm from friend. I was told to dig the plant and store dry roots over the winter. When is the best time to do this? Does the plant go dormant in the “cold” months, or would it also survive if I just moved the pot it’s planted in into the basement? Basement should stay above 65 degrees, with little light, however. The “giver” of the plant has several and he said he just digs them up and lays the entire plant in a dry area in his basement “dry rooted” until spring when he “sets” them out again.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 14, 2016

You should be able to winter your Banana Palm in your area. Here is a link with more information.
If you have a trusted gardener friend who successfully winters over in the manner you state, you may want to follow that advise.

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