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Quaking Aspen Trees

Q.I Live In Maryland & Bought A Quaking Aspen Tree. Is This Variety Of Aspen Tree Less Susceptible To Diseases & Humidity?

Zone Poolesville, MD 20837 | mjvanwie77 added on September 20, 2024 | Answered

I understand that when you purchase any tree, one cannot control the weather. I just want to be reassured that I’ll be happy with the Quaking Aspen tree? What’s the worst con/cons I need to know about this particular type of tree? Anything I should be aware would be appreciated. Thank you! MVW

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 20, 2024

Quaking Aspen trees are more susceptible to diseases like leaf spot, cankers, and root rot compared to standard aspen varieties, especially in humid climates like Maryland. This can be lessened by doing as you have and purchase from a nursery. They have an aggressive root system that sends up unwanted shoots and a shorter lifespan of 20-25 years outside their native habitat. Proper maintenance, including pruning and controlling water, can help manage these issues but the tree does require consistent care​. This article will help with some care tips:


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