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Hydrangea Plants

Q.I Live In Colorado And Am A Beginner At Gardening. I Have A Young Hydrangae In A Fabric Container That Was Doing Well. Now It Ha

Zone zone 6 | annaherrera62@gmail.com added on October 19, 2021 | Answered

s rusty spots on the leaves. What do I do? It was in a location during the summmer that was getting morning sun. It is its first year of being planted. It did very well through last years winter and actually bloomed with one big bloom this summer. I moved it last week to a location so that it would get a couple of hours of sun due to the fact the amount of sun where it was was having less sun as fall has progressed. It was very green and the bloom was beginning to die off which is normal? Now that I have moved it, it is looking really bad on the leaves with the rusty spots. So worried that I have killed it!!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 19, 2021

Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. I am unable to see the damage.

A few things come to mind. It would be that they are receiving too much sun, now. They could be staying a little more wet than usual. as well.

Make sure that they don't get a lot of full sun that isn't filtered.

Moving one will be very hard on it. Moving one when it is anything but mild will likely harm it beyond repair. Breaking too many roots during transplant will make this plant even more susceptible to disease than it is, already.

As long as you are providing proper care, and applying a fungicide, it should recover in time. Here are some articles that will help:


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