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Q.I live in central Califonia and have recently pruned my roses. Is this going to harm them?

Zone 93101 | Anonymous added on November 22, 2019 | Answered

This being my first time pruning roses, I wasn’t sure when it should be done, so I pruned them this week of Thanksgiving. I have just learned that they should be pruned in the spring (oh dear). Living in central California, I am hopeful that they will be okay.
Please respond with all information you may have.
Thank You.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 23, 2019

You don't say what kind of roses you have, but since you are in a warmer zone (10), your roses should be fine. You will notice the author of the articles below lightly prunes his roses in the fall after they go dormant, then again in the spring.

The spring pruning is especially for zones that have sustained cold during the winter and the roses experience dieback that needs to be pruned. A hard pruning also increases vigor for spring growth.




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