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Q.I Live In Brisbane Looking Fir Info On How To Keep My Fushia Plants Alive & Thriving Over Summer. Smallish In Plastic Pots Which I

Zone 4170 | Anonymous added on November 19, 2022 | Answered

read need to be swapped for coconut fibre. In some shade sun. What pots, positioning, potting mix reporting needs please i csn bring inside but we have fans & at times air con. I love them & dint want to lose them. I read fish emulsion is good. Not sure what pots or are hanging baskets better? How do I know if I have best potting mix 8f I move them. Any advice greatly appreciated. I’m good with instructional videos too. Thank you.they are getting a little blotchy on the leaves. At my mother laws currently but I can get photos later today if that helps.

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