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Q.I Just Planted A Grandiflora Rose With Loose Soil Around The Roots. Not Sure I Put It Deep Enough.

Zone Bonner Spring, KS zone 5-6 | Anonymous added on May 5, 2021 | Answered

Rose made it through hard rain which even had small hail the night after planting. Then strong winds followed the rain. Beautiful day today but rose buds and some branches are drooping. Should I attempt to replant? Worried that I didn’t go deep enough in preparing the basin/hole for this rose. Want to try again & replant digging a deeper hole & creating a mound for root balls then covering again with ample mulch. Should I try or will I make matters worse?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 7, 2021

It should be planted deep enough that the bud union is still above ground, if it was a grafted rose. Since you just planted it, it will not hurt it if you think it needs to be replanted. It should be in the ground the same depth it was in the nursery pot.


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