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Limelight Hydrangea

Q.I just planted a limelight hydrangea in my son’s yard in Newport, RI. He has been watering it daily. It has been very hot. The

Zone Newport RI 02840 | Anonymous added on August 3, 2019 | Answered

soil seems moist but it is drooping. Do you have any suggestions as to what is causing the drooping? We followed the directions for planting and added organic mulch to help retain the water. Is it just that it is getting accustomed to the soil? The plant was bought at a reputable nursery. Should I call them for advice? Thank you for your much anticipated response. ~ JB

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 3, 2019

The problem here is overwatering. The soil needs to be almost completely dry before watering. Even despite the heat, watering will not be the answer unless it is completely dry.

Back off on the watering. Limelights need well-drained soil and don't like to sit in soggy soil, which may be what is going on here.

They like full sun to part shade but if it is really warm there in the summer you can provide afternoon shade, even if you need to use a screening material to do it. This will cut out most of the heat related issues.

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