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Bulb Care

Q.storing daffodils and tulips

Zone Salt Lake City | allymarie added on April 20, 2015 | Answered

I just dug up a ton of daffodils and tulips from my front bed while we restructure it. I want to replant the bulbs as soon as possible but the new landscaping project is going to take at least a few days. Can I store the bulbs until the project is nearly finished and then replant them, or is it best to store them until fall or spring and then replant them?

Also, they have been sitting on my patio overnight, as I have not been sure as to what to do with them. I need help with knowing what to do to ensure that they are kept and replanted correctly. Thanks!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 21, 2015

I would follow the directions for wrapping and storing the bulbs in the article below.
I personally would recommend you then go ahead a plant back in the yard at the earliest possible time when your project is completed.
You may have a few less blooms next spring, but since the bulbs most likely had began growing this spring I feel you would lose them if you attempted to hold them until fall.


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