Q.I inherited a crown of thorns. Does it come in in the winter?
My mother recently passed away and left me with a large crown of thorns that had belonged to my great grandmother. I was told that it had never bloomed. I was also told that before the first frost to bring it in and put it in a dark place. When I first got it I wasn’t thinking and put it on my deck in direct sunlight and it bloomed. Now I’m second guessing my instructions for the winter. What is the proper way to handle a crown of thorns over the cold season?

Crown of thorns can be grown as a houseplant. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/crown-of-thorns/crown-of-thorns-houseplant.htm. Here are instructions on pruning it if it is too large. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/crown-of-thorns/cutting-back-crown-of-thorns.htm
It is from Madagascar so it tolerates heat and drought well but it is not frost tolerant. If it stays above 32 F where you live, it can be left outdoors. When moving it indoors, give it as much sun as you can or use a plant light to encourage blooms.