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Orange Trees

Q.container orange tree

Zone 5 | rlapree added on April 29, 2015 | Answered

I inherited a container orange tree, which is indoor/outdoor. It is currently outside, as I also inherited scale and aphids. I live in Iowa and cannot find any product around here. What should I use to get rid of the pests? This tree is currently in a 16-inch pot and will be moved to a larger one shortly. It is approximately 20+ years and do not want to kill it. Fruit is very small mandarin-type and bitter.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 29, 2015

Neem oil is a good choice for combatting scale and aphids. If you are unable to find neem oil at your local garden center, you can make your own homemade insecticidal soaps at home. There are sections on how to make homemade mixes in the following articles:

Here are some articles that will give you more information and treatment options for your pests:


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