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Flowering Cherry

Q.I have web worms on an ornamental cherry tree. How do I get rid of them in the fall?

Zone Rapid City, South Dakota | Anonymous added on September 3, 2020 | Answered

This is a new home for me, but evidently the previous owner also had issues with web worm on this tree. I know it is too late to use any treatments that are designed for spring. What is the best for now in late summer/early fall?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 4, 2020

If you can hit the web with a strong enough water spray to break the webs, the birds will get them.
Apparently there is no way around having to break open the webs. A treatment of neem oil would be fine at this time of year, as well as in the spring. There are quite a few natural predators for these guys, so once they're exposed, the problem may resolve itself.
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If these aren't sufficient, you may want to contact your local extension service for more information.

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