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Q.looking for yew variety

Zone Zone 3 , northwest Iowa | Eastviewfarm added on May 4, 2015 | Answered

I have two low growing (sheared) yews which never turn brown and I want to buy more to replace another variety of yew which is turning brown and dying. Can anyone tell me what the name of the variety is that I should look for?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 5, 2015

All yews are evergreen and have the potential to turn brown if exposed to certain environmental conditions (harsh winter - winter burn, insect pests, etc.). There isn't a variety that would be resilient to that. You may not want to throw in the towel on that shrub of yours yet - it probably sustained some winter injury and there are things you can try to revive it, which are discussed in the following article:


Here is an article that discusses the different Yew shrub types:

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