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Orchid Plants

Q.I have transplanted my two orchids outside in normal potting compost in a tub and they are thriving! Both have brand new flower

Zone Ox42QG | Anonymous added on September 16, 2020 | Answered

shoots. My problem is now the weather is getting cooler, how best to pot them and bring them in for the winter? Compost or not?? Clear pots repotting orchids from outside soil to winter indoors???

I also have a now huge poinsettia that I have put outside for summer in a flower bed. It has loads of new shoots, it is almost totally green. How best to bring it in for winter?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 19, 2020

Indoors, the planting medium doesn't dry out as quickly as outside, so I suggest going back to regular orchid mix. They don't need as much water or fertilizer in winter, either. This article should help:


Here are instructions for getting your poinsettia to rebloom:


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