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Carrot Plants

Q.I have too much growth

Anonymous added on August 11, 2015 | Answered

This year all I had was 11-21-17 fertilizer or at least close to that fertilizer. I also put it in at the first of season which maybe I should have waited. My carrot tops are between 1.5 and 2 feet high, beans are so bushy that they only started producing beans 1.5 weeks ago. Turnips have all gone to seed pods; I will not get a single turnip other than seed. This must be because of the ratio, also because for veg food last year I also went heavy phos and potassium. Can you recommend if I should even bother to fertilize next year or go with 10-10-10 or something of that nature. The ratio of phosphorus and potassium to nitrogen for 2 years seems rather high does it not. The food was 5-17-32 I believe. Anyhow, please give a tip for next season if you would.

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Answered on August 12, 2015
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