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Passion Flower Vine

Q.I have something eating the new flower buds of my passion fruit vine at night. There is some visual damage on other leaves but not

Zone 32159 | Anonymous added on March 28, 2020 | Answered

near any of the flowers. I believe it is two different pests and the chewed up leaves are not my biggest concern. I may have a bush full of buds; the next morning they are all gone help please. The bush is 2 years old and is in good health otherwise. It attracts butterflies and I have watched almost no caterpillars. I have seen some lady bugs and caterpillars before but not recently. I do have squirrels that run around near it but the vines would not be able to support their weight. I have asked pros in my area and they don’t have any answers either. Please help!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 1, 2020
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