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Maple Trees

Q.I have some trees that look like they have an ulcer on the southwest side. There is no growth. Do I need to remove the trees?

Zone 84050 | jbarlow added on April 20, 2019 | Answered

Two of the trees are Parkway Norway Maple and the other is a Glenleven Littleleaf Linden. I planted them a couple years ago. After the 1st winter, I noticed that toward the base of the trees it looked like a couple spots were opening up to the main core of the trunk. It looks like there is still growth around that main core, but that the main core has died. There isn’t bark or anything growing on it. The trees still produce leaves, but the trees themselves aren’t growing a whole lot. It looks like on two of the trees, the only growth happening is on one half of the tree. I haven’t noticed any bugs or anything like that. I am just wondering if I need to remove the trees or continue to let them grow. Any help would be great.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 21, 2019

This could, at one time, have been an infection. If the tree is still alive, then it will continue to grow just fine. If the infection seems to be present still, and the trees fail to thrive, then you might want to remove them.

If they continue to grow, then there is no harm in letting them live. Ultimately this will be up to you.

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