Q.I Have Small Potted Lemon Tree. Brought It Indoors 4 Weeks Ago And Now It Is Flowering. The Flowers Are Now Falling Off. Is This N
ormal? I live in Chicago – we brought the Lemon tree indoors when the temp was at 40f.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Citrus blossoms can be touchy. A draft, cooler temps, low light, a change in moisture, can all cause fruit blossoms to drop. Is your plant receiving up to 8 hours of sun a day? Site it near a south or southwest window. You can add a full spectrum grow light if you need to. Some people just want to get it through the winter so they can move it back outdoors.
Lemons normally bloom in spring and fruit matures by fall, but some will flower off and on all year. Here are some care tips that you can compare with yours: