Q.I Have Several Lantana Plants In My Garden. Do I Need To Cover Them When I Know A Freeze Is Coming. I Really Don’t Want To Lose T
hem I planted them in spring of this year and they have done very well. Do I need to cover them or do i need to dig them up and put them in pots and bring them inside. The freeze is expected tonight

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You are in hardiness zone 8 and lantana is hardy to zone 9 so you may want to dig them up. Since you are on the border of hardiness you could just mulch them real well. They will die back to the ground as the temperatures drop, but they should return in spring.
If you want to be absolutely sure you don't lose them, I would dig them up and store them inside for the winter. There is a hardier variety, which you may have, that overwinters as far as zone 6 and 7. Could you possibly have that one? It is usually yellow/orange.