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Cherry Laurel

Q.bare root cherry laurel hedge

Zone Prestwick South West Scotland ka92qr | parahandy added on April 4, 2015 | Answered

I have recently planted a bare root cherry laurel hedge. How far apart should I have kept the plants? The company I bought from said every 8 inches. The gardener in local Dobbies garden centre said 1 every 3 ft. Can someone advise please? Thanks, Andy

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 4, 2015

I would advise you to plant them 2-3 feet apart. 2 feet apart will give you a quick screen but, with a little longer wait, a nice dense hedge will form by planting them 3 feet apart. So you might want to go middle of the road and plant them 2'6" apart.

For more information on cherry laurel shrubs, please visit the following link:

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