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Q.I have recently been given a Teasing Georgia tea rose which I have planted in the ground with rose and shrub compost

Zone Rm70qb | Anonymous added on July 24, 2020 | Answered

I have also added some rose food pellets when planting.we have had three or four roses which have now died and I have cut back the branch about 4 inches from where the rose had died.
We have a lot of new growth and I am wondering if I should cut back some more of the new growth to make it stronger.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 26, 2020

I would not cut back any new growth as the foliage on that new growth is what works in unison with the root system to make the rosebush stronger and even more healthy. If there is dead cane material, it is always good to prune that back to good healthy tissue, but the good new growth should be left to get stronger as it ages.

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