Q.I Have Planted And Raised Tomatoes For About 10 Years On Raised Beds. This Year, The Birds Are Pecking My Tomatoes Before They Are
ripe. I have used tin pans on cages to make noise and even used netting with no luck. Help. Any suggestions would be greatly appr eciated. As I said, I have done this for 10 plus years and usually have good luck. My plants are healthy, about 3-5 ft tall but the birds are winning the battle this season. Thanks, Ron
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is a very difficult task, unfortunately. It sounds like you are doing most of what you have available to you, but this article will help you to find a few more ideas:
This article will help you to grow tomatoes to their potential:
This link will take you to a free ebook that you can download on the subject of tomatoes: