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Q.I have many rose bushes, recently as last year i started to add hydrangea to my gardens, my needed to know if the hydrangea and ro

Zone Lansdale, PA 19446, zone, 6b | Anonymous added on April 29, 2020 | Answered

ses can be planted next to each other in the same raised plant beds. Simply because the hydrangea are acid loving plants. I wanted to know if the hydrangeas planted next to my roses would kill my roses because it is an acid loving plant. So far the roses do not seem to be effected by the hydrangea but iam worried about the roses long term.

Thank you for your help


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 1, 2020

Roses do not like having to compete with other plants for their food, water or sunlight. As long as you keep ample spacing between them and the hydrangea's you should be fine. Keep on eye on things and if the hydrangea's start casting too much shade on the roses, they will need to be trimmed back. Long term, I would just keep an eye on the need for trimming back so they do not overcome each other.

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