Q.I have lived in Hendersonville, N.C. with a moss yard, which I love, for 9 years. For 1st time, recently there are splotches about 15 x
15 dying. We have had plenty of rain. Looks like lots of little seeds on surface of spots. Help! I can send pictures I don’t know how to upload photo but could send to I-phone.

Mosses need little if any fertilizer. In fact, fertilizer can burn moss while encouraging weeds. The pH of soil can also help or hinder mosses. Many species thrive in highly acidic soils (pH below 5.0), so by lowering the pH with powdered sulfur you can encourage mosses while discouraging weeds and lawn grasses that generally prefer a sweeter soil. For the most part, mosses will do best in a damp, shady location.