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Hops Plant

Q.I have Hops in my backyard which I’ve been trying to get rid of for years.

Zone E5M 1G2 | Sandra Hall added on July 3, 2017 | Answered

The Hops is very invasive, I’ve spent many hours digging it out of the ground, mowing it, hacking it out of my trees and can’t get rid of it. Also sprayed it with Epsom salts and vinegar and Round up. Didn’t harm them a bit! It’s killed and distorted my trees and plants. Any suggestions? I’ve got blisters from my pick and shovel!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 5, 2017

Remove the lower foliage from woody vines with a hand saw and place the herbicide triclopyr ester in a 20 percent solution on the vine stems. Ensure that you have the right kind of triclopyr, as some types are not labeled for woody vines. Any drift at all onto the bark of neighboring trees will kill those too. Observe all safety measures on the label, as this chemical can be dangerous to humans and can cause permanent eye damage if not used correctly.

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