Q.I Have Had Kiwi Plants Since 2018 No Fruit Same With Figs.
Hi I have two Kiwi plants in my back yard. for the past several years. The one grows flowers. Then a few days later the flowers die and area of the flowers turns back what to do? If I dig them up and put better soil will I kill them? I planted figs in my back yard also. Have got no fruit so far have no clue why? as soon as leaves com out ill send pictures. Please need advice love fruit.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It could be a pollination problem. Do you have other flowers blooming to attract the pollinators to your yard?
Are your kiwi plants male and female? If not, you need to purchase another. This article should help:
If you want to improve the soil, just add compost around the plants and lightly work in.
Here is info on fig trees: