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Pomegranate Trees

Q.I have had a pomegranate tree in a pot for over 15 years. I just put her in a bigger pot.. How do i care for my tree that has little

Zone Lake Havasu City, Az | Anonymous added on July 10, 2019 | Answered

shade? She has produced some pomegranates over the years, but her branches are so dry and brittle

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 10, 2019

That's a hot dry climate where you live, water management will be your primary challenge. A plant in a container is even more challenging because of limited soil volume and rapid drying. Pomegranite are normally drought tolerant, but in your case you may need to provide daily irrigation or several times a week. Checking soil moisture content regularly will be essential. I recommend a soil moisture meter to take some of the guesswork out of it.


The dead tips I see in the photos could be related to transplant shock or temporary water deficit related to the initial watering program. Hopefully the die-back does not continue as the plant adapts and establishes roots in the new pot and soil. Don't fertilize until it puts out some new growth.

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