Q.I Have Blue Holly Planted Late In The Season Of 2014. They Are Planted Near The House, Is The Masonary Leeching Keeping Them
scrawny? The blue princess is doing OK, The blue prince has gotten taller and is still scrawny although by the look of the princess is doing his job. I have put on Dr. Earth and Holly tone, Do I need more? Should I replace the dirt? The roots seem to want to grow to the top. Can I transplant to a southern exposure but the sun may be too intense. I leave in North Royalton OHIO about 15 miles from Lake Erie.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. I am unable to see the state of the shrub.They are shade tolerant, but too much shade will slow growth and cause lankiness.
The first thing that you might want to do is to test your soil for pH issues, and nutrient imbalances. These articles will help:
Here is an article that will help you to understand the care requirements for the shrub: