Q.I Have Black Onyx Mulch With 4 Star Perennial Plants I Put In Last Yr. This Yr. I’ve Had Huge Orange Mushrooms As Big As A Volley
ball in each plant. I’ve google solutions like baking soda, dish detergent with instructions of how to mix and spray..ANY OTHER IDEAS WOULD DEEPLY BE APPRECIATED. I planted these flowers in honor of my MOM and I feel terrible they will die. thank you for your time and help Jerry. I’m sorry about photo’s.. I have them on my cell phone and do not know how to transfer from cell phone to lab top..
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Is it in the mulch? Fungi are common in mulch. Fungi usually appear where there is moisture and shade. Remove the fungi to the trash. Reduce watering and reduce mulch if you have more than 2 or 3 inches down. Are the plants getting the proper amount of sun? Check the light requirements of each plant.
These articles should help: