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Aster Plants

Q.green asters do not bloom

Zone zone 4 | ToniaK added on August 31, 2015 | Answered

I have beautiful, full green asters but they do not bloom. What am I doing wrong? When I originally purchased them, I believe in 2011, they bloomed in mid to late July. They are full and green ans otherwise appear “happy”. They do have tight closed buds. Am I just premature in asking and not waiting long enough? Also, should I be pruning them back? If so, when is the best time of year? Thanks in advance!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 2, 2015

Aster's do generally bloom later in the summer but you may have an issue with to much Nitrogen in the soil.
This will cause lush green plants with little to no flowering.

By adding Phosphorous you can promote flowering. Bone Meal is a good way to do this.

Here are some links for you.


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