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Garden Pest Control


Zone 6-7 | Anonymous added on May 13, 2016 | Answered

I have bagworms in an umbrella tree and I have cut off ans destroyed the small branches. Some bags are up higher than I can reach and am looking for a product that I can spray with a hose end sprayer and not injure my lawn or nearby shrubs. Any suggestions? I have heard of products containing BTK. The tree in question is about 20-25 ft and has a rock garden with shrubs and flower garden below.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 14, 2016

Here is an extension article that lists all the possible natural and synthetic pesticide options for dealing with bagworms. Your natural/organic options are going to be the safest for your lawn and nearby shrubs - particularly neem oil:

Here is another extension article on "less toxic insecticides". You can use this to cross reference the insecticides from the above article that you are interested in using and seeing what the possible implications are:

Whatever option you choose, always be sure to read the product label - it will typically list the plants known to be injured by the product.

For more information on bagworm control please visit the following link:

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