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Aloe Vera Plants

Q.I Have an Aloe Vera Plant

Zone 8 or 9? ??? | yesjess added on March 9, 2013 | Answered

I have an aloe vera plant but I think it’s a goner. . . We moved from Houston, Tx to Tyler, Tx and think it got shock, then the weather changed and pretty sure it was freezing out and I wasn’t there to cover it. It’s turning brown and sucking up and was going to bloom but now they’re just brown and sitting and dropping over my other cacti. Got frost bit I’m sure, it turned all brown, and so I’m figuring my aloe vera is doing the same. It was a rescue plant to start with and was way puny and almost dead. It grew and grew in a whiskey barrel. I really don’t know what to do now.  Can I at least save a baby? This really upsets me as I like that plant and was so proud of it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 9, 2013

Aloe vera can tolerate cool temperatures, but long periods of time at or below freezing will usually kill the plant. There is a chance that the stem below ground will send up offshoots or pups.

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